

Page history last edited by Charlie Barton 15 years, 3 months ago

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy that ends the life (or potential life) of the offspring.

(It normally refers to deliberate termination, though in medical terms, a miscarriage is a natural abortion.)

NB: This is half of a section of the exam, which is equally divided between abortion and euthanasia.


Abortion: definitions for the start of human life, including:

potentiality, conception, primitive streak, viability, birth

- The value of potential and real life

- Mother's versus child's life, double effect

Ethical issues involved in legislation about abortion

Arguments for and against abortion with reference to religious and ethical teaching

Issues arising: (likely for AO2 questions)

Does the definition of human life stop abortion being murder?

Can abortion ever be said to be 'good'?

Do humans have a right to life?


You need to be aware of facts, legal matters, and case studies to help make 'informed' comments and arguments.

Comments (3)

Sam Fairclough said

at 11:41 am on Mar 25, 2009

I agree with abortion, if i woman has been raped then she shouldn't have to raise a child that she never consented to. That woman has the right to abort the baby as it is her body.

Izzy Greenfield said

at 11:41 am on Mar 25, 2009

I agree with abortion, if a baby was to affect a woman's mental health and ruin potential opportunities for her, then she has every right not to have it.

Jessica East said

at 5:37 pm on Mar 25, 2009

I also agree with abortion in certain circumstances. If a scan displays severe abnormalities that will limit not only the parents enjoyment of life but the childs also, then I feel it is fair to abort the feotus.

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