
RS11 - A2 Philosophy of Religion - (up to 2009)

Page history last edited by Charlie Barton 15 years, 11 months ago

This unit builds on unit RS06 (in particular you could contrast the arguments for God with the design argument we learned last year, and for the cosmological argument you clearly can also use your understanding of the Big Bang.)


This year the exam will be on Tuesday 16th June (am).


The unit is worth 90 UMS marks.


There will be 3 questions on the paper:


1a) and 1b)      will relate to the cosmological argument or ontological argument, and the issues of proof, faith and reason.


2a) and 2b)     will relate to the problem of evil and responses to it (Augustine, Irenaeus and the Process Theodicy).


3a) and 3b)     will relate to either mysticism or near-death experiences, and whether they are subjective or objective/ or authentic.

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